Vulnerability Assessment


Security is always excessive untill it’s not enough.

We conduct Vulnerability Assessment which is a process of defining, identifying and classifying the security holes in information technology systems of the client. Our diverse experience in this field helps us to diagnose known vulnerabilities such as Authentication Vulnerability, Authorization Vulnerability and Input Validation Vulnerability. Before implementing a system, we conduct vulnerability assessments that will ensure that the build system is secure from all the known security risks. Through relentless monitoring, our team starts the patch process whenever a new vulnerability is discovered. After promptly fixing the problem, another assessment is performed to verify and ensure that the vulnerability is resolved. This cycle of assess, patch, and re-assess has made our security system effective and infallible. Depending on the requirement of the client we use host assessment and network assessment.

Our company performs penetration testing which is an authorized simulated attack on a computer system that looks for security weaknesses, potentially gaining access to the system’s features and data. Our dedicated team pin-points the target systems and establishes a goal. Our vast experience in conducting penetration tests assists us to determine whether a system is vulnerable to attack, if the defenses were sufficient and which defenses the test defeated. We promptly inform the client about the security issues uncovered by these tests and also suggest countermeasures to mitigate the risk. We use our expertise in this field to design an attack sequence which helps us to effectively and instantly deal with security issues.